Monday, June 30, 2014

Am I Really A Mother?

This beautiful article was written and submitted to Share by: Marie L. Davis Caldwell

Spring will forever hold a new meaning for us. This time of new life will now remind us of how our daughter never got the chance to live hers here on this Earth.

Olivia was born still after an induction three months early. Due to the tightly twisted cord that stunted her growth, she was small for six months gestation, but no less beautiful and no less our child. However, days after her birth came Mother’s Day. As I listened to the sweet children sing to their mothers at church, I thought of how our Livy would never be singing to me. As they gave out gifts to the mothers, including me, I wondered if I really was a mother.

When we returned home, my husband helped to set me straight. He gave me two cards—one from him and one from Olivia. In each was a note he wrote from them. “Momma, thank you. You took the very best care of me while I was in your belly. What a wonderful Momma you are.” The other read, “Dear wife, I witnessed the most loving person I had ever were truly born to be a mother.” These words assured me that, YES! I am a mother.

I was reminded of all those pregnancy days when I talked to her and sang to her and rocked her in her nursery. I was reminded of how I was willing to do anything so she could be born beautiful and whole to be buried properly in a lovely place. No one other than a mother could feel this overwhelming love you have for that tiny little person you held in your hands. No one other than a mother could grieve as hard as you have. YES! You are a mother! YES! You are a father! And, YES! You should celebrate your day. Include your child’s birthstone in your mother’s ring. Include his or her name in your list of children when people ask, even if you only have one as we do. Parenthood is not just holding your child in your arms. Parenthood is loving that child more than you love your life. Countless thanks and endless love to my dear husband, and Olivia’s wonderful father, Doug, who has been my sole personal support through my continuing journey of healing. In memory of our awe-inspiring daughter Olivia. We love you darlin’. 

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